Sunday, December 24, 2006


detention - Dec. 11, 2006 at 08:39 AM
i just gave out my first detention. this student has been driving me nuts for weeks, and today, he was actually on pretty good behaviour, until he started fooling around with a phone. pretty sure he was taking pictures, actually. of me, actually, but i never succeeded in catching him in the act. so. but i dont have to see him again until after christmas!!! yay!!! so back to the pictures.... and life in Dinan. What you've read about so far brings us up to the first six pictures in the 'first few days in Dinan, first visit to Rennes' group on the flickr site: Our first two weeks we were just trying to find our place in Dinan. We (the three roommates) fell into a really lovely pattern of cooking together every night, and sitting down as a family, and we end up talking for hours and hours after dinner. We also spent a lot of time with Diego and George, both of home hung out at our place fairly often, since George lived out of town and Diego lived by himself. It was Alisa's birthday, so we celebrated! The first weekend passed uneventfully, but the second weekend we went to Rennes to see Anita! Rennes is the capitol city of Bretagne, and also one of the oldest cities in Bretagne, about as aold as Dinan, actually, which means dating back to the 13th and 14th century in parts, but mostly the 15th. We spent a beautiful day Saturday wandering around the old part of Rennes, and around a garden in Rennes with Anita and her friend Frankie, another english assistant. It was truly a lovely day, just wandering around. the five of us get along really well, and it was a wonderful mood. truly a day to remember.


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