Saturday, July 14, 2007

summer so far

Wow, this summer is turning out well! Its been busy, let's see if I can summarize quickly while still doing it justice...

When I got back my room was in a state of disarray as we were attempting some DIY... so I stayed at Morgans for few week while we pulled out a wall and did some painting. That was fun. A little stressful at times, but fun. I did some casual work for an old classmate, but remained pretty much unemployed until about midway through June when I started two days a week at the Radium Hot Springs pools as a Pool Attendent. The last weekend in June, an aunt from Vancouver came out to visit, as did Natalie and her boyfriend from Calgary. It was great to hang out with her, and we even managed to go for a hike! A brutal, straight up, killer kind of hike,but a hike all hhte same! More family came out for the long weekend in July and had a great time going to the lake and hanging out with them. It is so neat to see my cousins growing up, adn seeing what smart, beautiful, interesting people they are turning into. I mean, they always were, but smart, beautiful, interesting kids are one thing, and now they are becoming smart, beautiful, intersting adults. Then the July 5-7 weekend was the Clarke family reunion campout, so its been a summer of family time! After getting back from the Clarke family thing Mom and I went for a wonderful hike up in Top of the World provincial park on the Monday, and I went rockclimbing for the first time in my life of Tuesday evening with Morgan, Christopher, and some workfriends.

Been doing lots of swimming. Me and five guests get in free at the pools now that I work there. And as of July 16 I work at the info center in Radium 3 days a week for Parks Canada. So im officially working full time! yay!!

Ive been on four hikes this summer, a personal record, and Ill be adding a post soon about them, cause some of them have been pretty spectacular.

Oh, and I got into both UBC and SFU, and it looks like I'll be going ot UBC this fall. So the hunt is out for an apartment. If anyone knows of anything available near the UBC campus, let me know!


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