Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hike #1: Castle Rock

(Alexis, Natalie, Ray adn Dennis on top of Castle Rock)

So I've decided to talk about the hikes I've done this year, because it's been pretty amazing, and I've done more this year than I've ever done before. SO the first hike, as I already mentioned, was with Natalie and her bf Ray, as well as my dear friend Alexis and my little bro Dennis. We went up Castle Rock, which has one of my favourite views of the valley, but which is a ridiculous straight up climb and a pretty boring one at that, totally through the trees. Anyway, despite almost hyperventilating adn giving up on the way up, and much grumbling from some, we all made it to the top. Alexis, who had been in training to be a forest fire fighter for the summer, left us all totally in her dust, and stopped to wait for us periodically whenever we could no longer hear ourselves shouting "Marco! Polo!" to each other! Anyway, here's a few pics of that hike.

(Me and Alexis on top of Castle Rock)


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